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Michael Kitces Examines Tolerisk® Risk Tolerance Assessment Software

Michael Kitces Examines Tolerisk® Risk Tolerance Assessment Software

At Tolerisk®, we believe our risk tolerance assessment software is the most innovative option for financial advisors on the market. By offering advisors a resource that allows them to determine their clients’ willingness and ability to take risk, we give them a scientific analysis that provides them with actionable results to deliver to their clients. Of course we’re proud of what we’ve done, but we’re particularly excited about the fact that respected members of the financial community are taking note!

Recently, renowned financial journalist Michael Kitces featured Tolerisk® in a blog post, highlighting the benefits of using a two dimensional approach to evaluating an individual’s complete risk tolerance.

About Michael Kitces

Michael Kitces is a respected investment journalist who publishes a financial planning blog for those who are interested in learning more about the industry and the latest resources available. He considers himself to be a lifelong learner, who is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others. He finds the digital platform to be a wonderful way to easily share content and provide others with the information that they crave. Previously, he has worked as a financial planner and has earned a variety of degrees as well as certifications. His degrees include a master’s in financial services and a master’s in taxation, while he also has become a certified financial planner, chartered life underwriter, registered health underwriter, and registered employee benefits consultant, to name a few.

What Did Michael Kitces Have to Say About Tolerisk®?

In a recent post, Michael Kitces discussed the relationship between risk tolerance and risk capacity (ability to take risk). He notes that traditionally, advisors have used one dimensional risk tolerance assessment tools focusing on the client’s willingness to accept risk. However, he posits that a better approach is that “….risk tolerance and capacity should be measured separately, and then scored on a two-dimensional scale that considers the contributing role (and limiting nature) of each…”

Find Out More Today

If Michael Kitces is impressed with Tolerisk®, we’re sure that you will be too! To learn more about the features and benefits of our scientific (two dimensional) risk tolerance assessment software, contact us today!