


$1,908 /month

Prepaid (equivalent to $159/mo)

Per user



Get Advisor


$1,788 /month

Prepaid (equivalent to $149/mo)

Per user



Get Group

For Enterprise/API solutions, please email us at

Term Pricing

Pricing is shown per user as a monthly equivalent. (All subscriptions paid in advance)

Term Monthly 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
Advisor $199 $159 $149 $139
Group $179 $149 $139 $129

Assistant's License

$29 /month

per assistant

Assistant licenses are able to create Clients, generate links to send to Clients, and fill out Risk Assessment information. The only limitation is in accessing the results of the assessment.

Contact Sales


Do I need to download anything?

No! The risk assessment software is completely cloud based, so there is nothing to download.

Do you offer discounts to Advisors working with Industry Partners?

Yes. We have a variety of Partners with whom we have relationships. Visit our Partners page for details.

Can I send my client a link to fill out their information?

Absolutely! You may send a client or prospect a link to answer questions at their leisure. They can start and stop the exercise and submit to you when they’re finished. Only you can present the results to them.

Do you have a Prospecting tool?

Tolerisk EZ is perfect for your prospects. It's a 5 minute version of our comprehensive assessment that still computes a Tolerisk® Score and the probability your client will outlive their money.