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Reach the Barron’s Top 100 Financial Advisor List

Reach the Barron’s Top 100 Financial Advisor List

Barron’s recently released their list of the Top 100 Financial Advisors.

The ranking is a function of:

  1. Volume of assets
  2. Revenues generated
  3. Quality of advisors’ practice

Most financial advisors would love to be on the top 100 list, but it’s hard to lay out a concrete path to actually get there. FinTech is democratizing the industry and technology solutions can help financial advisors reach this list. What financial tools and technology have you leveraged that helps put your practice on Barron’s Top 100 radar?

While Tolerisk® is a risk tolerance assessment tool, the technology also helps financial advisors with each of these ranking elements:

  1. Volume of assets: Tolerisk® drives new client acquisition. Advisors have leveraged our risk tolerance assessment tool as a way to convert high-value prospects into clients.
  2. Revenues generated: Tolerisk® creates cross-selling opportunities. Tolerisk® provides financial advisors with a full picture of the client’s personality and financial position. This leads to cross-selling of other relevant financial services.
  3. Quality of advisors’ practice: Our risk tolerance assessment tool influences client retention. Clients that go through Tolerisk® have more confidence in their portfolio and feel more satisfied by their advisor.

Contact us today for more information on our innovative and valuable risk tolerance assessment tool.